Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dr Haneef has left Australia to be reunited with his wife and hold his daughter for the first time.

Free Dr Haneef blog sends out our best wishes and to Mohammed and his family.

Like I said all along, this case was a farce, and Dr Haneef deserves one huge apology from this government and in particular Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews.

Unfortunately Andrews is a bastard of the highest order, and refuses to revoke the cancellation of Dr Haneef's visa. Instead we hear from the Commonwealth Solicitor-General that Kevin Andrews acted "legally'. The Solicitor-General should have said "Andrews acted legally, but he got it completely wrong, and the anti-terror laws and sections of the immigration laws are hopelessly flawed, especially when idiots like Andrews and souless bastards like Ruddock hold key ministries".

The refusal to regrant Dr Haneef has five major implications.
1. Dr Haneef won't be allowed back into Australia.
2. Dr Haneef may be barred from other western countries because of his visa history.
3. If you listen carefully you can hear thousands of overseas professionals scatching "Australia" off their list of places they would like to work.
4. Many people will see the performance of Ruddock, Howard, and Andrews as discrimatory and a further examle of dog-whistle politicking.
5. Australia will continue to be seen as a country that punishes innocent people.

For the sake of the country Andrews should re-issue Dr Haneef's working visa and Howard should take responsibility for his ministers and offer an unconditional apology.

I won't be holding my breath.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The charges have been dropped
Now can Kevin Andrews end his persecution of Dr Haneef by re-granting him a visa so he can get his life back together?

Let him know what you think.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Not much longer

News reports indicate the DPP will be reviewing the Haneef case.

And here is my tip on how things are going to go down.
* The DPP will be dropping the charges within a few weeks.
* The Howard government will piously claim they respect the decision and the seperation of powers.
* Kevin Andrews then has to make a choice. He either boots Dr Haneef out of the country thus punishing a person who has not been convicted. This of course makes the argument about respecting the courts decision slightly problematic. This course of action would also make recruiting overseas doctors even more difficult, but it will allow Howard and Co to portray themselves as champions of national security. Most people know this is a crock, but it may be an effective wedge.
Or Andrews could actually regrant Dr Haneef his visa, give him some suitable compensation and allow him to carry on serving Australia. This of course would mean admitting a mistake, something this government virtually never does.

In conclusion, it's a shit sandwhich, and I'm tipping Andrews is going to be the one feeding it to an innocent man.

And Rudd of course will do whatever the Liberal caucus decides.

On a positive note, there are numerous blogs solely set up to support Dr Haneef. This one certainly isn't the best, so for any Haneef related information please visit Free Haneef.

There is a pro-democracy, pro-justice, pro-Haneef rally in Melbourne on Aug 4 at 1pm at the state library. I hope it will be a celebration not an angry mob.

I'll be heading on back to Broken Left Leg where you can see a couple of my Youtube productions.

Thanks for your support.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A really poor choice

This is my first you tube effort. Hope you like it.

A Senate enquiry and a visit

Dr Haneef has received a visit from a relative Imran Siddiqui who said "It's really touching that such a thing (the outpouring of support for Dr Haneef) is happening, it shows what a country Australia is".

And it also shows what scumbags rule us.

In another story Peter Beattie has sensibly called for a Senate Enquiry into the AFP's handling of the case.

If John Howard is at all concerned with national security he would support an enquiry into the performance of the one of the main organisation's that is responsible for national security.

Unfortunately it isn't going to happen and the Libs would rather ignore incompetence rather than insuring the AFP are a well-organised defender of Australia.

On a brighter note, the letters to the editor pages are scathing of the AFP and governments handling of this issue. Even the little papers.
Keep em flowing.
Herald Sun
The Mercury
Courier Mail
Perhaps calling for a bridging visa for Haneef is the go?

And you can keep the short letters of support flowing to

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Gillard = Gutless

Opposition deputy leader Julia Gillard was on 774 Melbourne this morning and her performance was overwhelmingly condemned by John Faine's audience.

The station received 30 text messages all condemning Labor's spineless stance. Gillard's standard answer was, "Labor are taking the government's word at face value...". Pulease. And this is same party that attacks Howard for lying every week.

Given that the evidence against Dr Haneef has crumbled faster than Grandma's crumble cake, Gillard's argument was pathetic. Faine, who doesn't take foolish answers at face value, logically argued that Labor's response was entirely political and designed not to offend a certain section of the community.


Please text 19774774 or call ABC Melbourne on 1300-774774 about this issue. Please do this after 3pm when the radio station gets back into the heavier issues of the day.

Can I suggest that if you help the ALP during the campaign, (ie leafletts/how to votes etc) that you seriously consider swapping parties to one that respects human and legal rights. The Democrats could certainly use an extra person or two hundred, and the Greens will be pushing Labor hard in inner Sydney and Melbourne seats. Any decent independents can be helped as well.

If you don't want to swap parties, then seriously think about staying out of the ALP campaign. How would you feel being a foot soldier for a party that won't speak up for Dr Haneef and an independent judicial system?

It is time to put the ALP on notice on this issue.

Keep the letters of support flowing for Dr Haneef as well.
Today's story about Dr Haneef blowing up a Gold Coast landmark lasted about 10 hours before the AFP claimed it was false. The AFP would know about false claims too! Most people will now be asking the man who is detaining Haneef, "where's the evidence Kevin?"
Why not ask him yourself. Via email or phone 03 9848 9900.

ALP frontbencher Lindsay Tanner appeared on Insider's this morning and he was questioned at length in regards to the Haneef situation. Tanner's responses were particularly unimpressive. Tanner took the "I don't know enough about it to answer..." and "Let the legal process take it's course..." approach. Tanner never once questioned the legal process or the actions of Andrews when he overrode the judiciary.

Let Lindsay know you expect better from the ALP.

And finally if you want to see the opinions of a complete pea brain, press play on the next entry.

James Baker on the Dr Haneef detention

This man is quite possibly the stupidest person ever to run for the Senate and he really struggles with sub-judice laws.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007

Welcome to the Free Dr Haneef Blog.

Tim over at Road to Surfdom has a fantastic timeline of one of the most dispicable acts this government has ever perpetrated. Yes, even when you stack it up against the way this government treats refugees.

This story is being well covered by Democrat SenatorAndrew Bartlett, lawyerJeremy Sear, Larvatus Prodeo and a host of other bloggers.

This blog isn't going to re-hash the disgraceful details.

Instead it is being set up to assist Dr Haneef.

Please take 2 minutes to send a "sorry" or "I'm thinking of you" email to
Keep them short and heartfelt. No long rants about the government thanks. I think Mohamed may already know what many people think on that matter.

I will collect them and try to get them to Dr Haneef through his lawyers.

I think providing emotional support to Dr Haneef isn't illegal yet!

I will be seeking legal advice to to find out whether collecting money for Dr Haneef is a breach of anti-terror legislation. If it isn't I will set up an account where people can donate money for phonecards, postage, and support for Dr Haneef's wife and child.

I will also be providing a list of people who need to be lobbied to get Haneef released.

You can forget Andrews, Howard, and Ruddock. Without wanting to offend, these people would have to be the three most heartless, most power-hungry, and most divisive neo-compassionate shits ever to sit in parliament.

Please email moderate Liberals who have shown courage on similar matters to see if backbench pressure can be applied.
Try Petro Georgiou Judy Moylan and Russell Broadbent.

I will be putting up one activity a day from now on. Feel free to post comments, feedback, your actions, and suggestions.

Remember people, democracy is not a spectator sport.