Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dr Haneef has left Australia to be reunited with his wife and hold his daughter for the first time.

Free Dr Haneef blog sends out our best wishes and to Mohammed and his family.

Like I said all along, this case was a farce, and Dr Haneef deserves one huge apology from this government and in particular Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews.

Unfortunately Andrews is a bastard of the highest order, and refuses to revoke the cancellation of Dr Haneef's visa. Instead we hear from the Commonwealth Solicitor-General that Kevin Andrews acted "legally'. The Solicitor-General should have said "Andrews acted legally, but he got it completely wrong, and the anti-terror laws and sections of the immigration laws are hopelessly flawed, especially when idiots like Andrews and souless bastards like Ruddock hold key ministries".

The refusal to regrant Dr Haneef has five major implications.
1. Dr Haneef won't be allowed back into Australia.
2. Dr Haneef may be barred from other western countries because of his visa history.
3. If you listen carefully you can hear thousands of overseas professionals scatching "Australia" off their list of places they would like to work.
4. Many people will see the performance of Ruddock, Howard, and Andrews as discrimatory and a further examle of dog-whistle politicking.
5. Australia will continue to be seen as a country that punishes innocent people.

For the sake of the country Andrews should re-issue Dr Haneef's working visa and Howard should take responsibility for his ministers and offer an unconditional apology.

I won't be holding my breath.

1 comment:

Bushman said...

Well said. I absolutely agree with every point you make.