Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Not much longer

News reports indicate the DPP will be reviewing the Haneef case.

And here is my tip on how things are going to go down.
* The DPP will be dropping the charges within a few weeks.
* The Howard government will piously claim they respect the decision and the seperation of powers.
* Kevin Andrews then has to make a choice. He either boots Dr Haneef out of the country thus punishing a person who has not been convicted. This of course makes the argument about respecting the courts decision slightly problematic. This course of action would also make recruiting overseas doctors even more difficult, but it will allow Howard and Co to portray themselves as champions of national security. Most people know this is a crock, but it may be an effective wedge.
Or Andrews could actually regrant Dr Haneef his visa, give him some suitable compensation and allow him to carry on serving Australia. This of course would mean admitting a mistake, something this government virtually never does.

In conclusion, it's a shit sandwhich, and I'm tipping Andrews is going to be the one feeding it to an innocent man.

And Rudd of course will do whatever the Liberal caucus decides.

On a positive note, there are numerous blogs solely set up to support Dr Haneef. This one certainly isn't the best, so for any Haneef related information please visit Free Haneef.

There is a pro-democracy, pro-justice, pro-Haneef rally in Melbourne on Aug 4 at 1pm at the state library. I hope it will be a celebration not an angry mob.

I'll be heading on back to Broken Left Leg where you can see a couple of my Youtube productions.

Thanks for your support.


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